Prayer can cut across any tradition. Prayer can move the heart of hard-hearted kings. Prayer can change any situation or reverse anything! I know prayer can do anything because God is an impossibility specialist; He is the only one who specializes in impossibilities. With God all things are possible.
We commit ourselves to live a life of prayer because we believe that only God can accomplish what He calls us to do and that God should receive the glory. For this reason, we believe the church should be committed to night and day prayer for the world, the coming of the kingdom and a deeper revelation of God. Without prayer and dependence on God for all things we are destined to either fail or become conceited in our success. We value constant prayer because we desire to know God, to deepen our understanding and revelation of his love for us and the world. We value prayer because we believe we are all called to the ministry of intercession and we want to see his kingdom come. We believe that can only happen if we ask the Lord of the harvest to send us and other laborers in to the harvest field.
The Phoenix Prayer Hub
A weekly Zoom prayer meeting
The Phoenix Movement Prayer Hub focuses on interceding for Disciple Making Movements in the city of Phoenix. Meetings will concentrate on strategic prayer points, areas and people groups in the Valley of the Sun.
Day & Time:Thursdays from 6:30-7 am
Location: Zoom
Extraordinary Prayer & Fasting
Weekly: Wednesday evening to Thursday dinner
Every move of God starts with a prayer movement.
Prayer focus for this weekly rhythm will be a breakthrough for kingdom movements in Phoenix and surrounding communities throughout Arizona as well as your target area.
Together, we will be expecting a fresh move of God in our communities, city and state!
Day & Time:Weekly: Wednesday evening to Thursday dinner
Prayer Resources
Prayer Walking
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Three-Step Prayer Model for Healing
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30-Day Prayer Calendar
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Ten Key Prayer Points for Movements
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For more prayer resources, please visit Movement Prayer.